The Lost by Holly Barbo

The Lost (Sage Seed Chronicles #5) by Holly Barbo

Sheenah covers, fiction

The fifth cover in the Sage Seed Chronicles. Because the book touched upon points from all the previous books and because I wanted to give the last book a look that reflected one of the earlier books, I ended up stealing the sky from the second book (Divergent Paths) and recreating a snowy scene that was depicted in the book

Tales from Frewyn: Volume II by Michelle Franklin

Tales from Frewyn: Volume II by Michelle Franklin

Sheenah covers, fiction

The author, having liked my work on Khantara, wanted me to create something similar for a variant cover for her short story collection. Whereas the last one was for a novel and I used green, I decided to use a different color scheme (this time, purple) to represent the short stories and to show that although the stories are related,

Khantara: Volume 1 by Michelle Franklin

Khantara: Volume 1 by Michelle Franklin

Sheenah covers, fiction

After much discussion with the author, we decided to create a variant cover to her novel. I wanted to incorporate the artwork that the original illustrator did, so I took an image she drew for the interior of the novel, silhouetted it in green, added a gradient to it to create the central image. On the original cover, the illustrator

The Reweaving by Holly Barbo

The Reweaving (Sage Seed Chronicles #4) by Holly Barbo

Sheenah covers, fiction

This was actually one of the original concepts to Divergent Paths by Holly Barbo. After much discussion, we both thought that this was better suited for this particular novel. So I went through and made some modifications to it. Everything here is photomanipulated with the use of some Photoshop brushes and minor digital painting to get the desired effects on