Eternal Night by Jade Kerrion

Eternal Night by Jade Kerrion

Sheenah covers, fiction

Jade Kerrion contacted me to give Eternal Night a makeover. Curious to know what the before was? Click on this link to check out the before+after post on her website. Jade wanted a woman on the cover, an icrathi to be exact, so I went about to create one by piecing together 3-4 images together. I was given some artistic

Recollection of Shared Days: Stories of Celebration

Recollection of Shared Days: Stories of Celebration

Sheenah covers, fiction

The first anthology published by Paper Crane Books was…difficult. Because the stories encompass all sorts of holidays from various seasons, we needed something to convey a large array of celebration. I came up with about 11 different concepts and we, the members of the press, whittled it down to about 5. Because nobody could come to an agreement, we let

A Sweet, Little Dream by Morgan Straughan Comnick

A Sweet, Little Dream by Morgan Straughan Comnick

Sheenah covers, fiction

The author came up with the idea/concept and it was up to me to deliver. I sent her various stock images to look at for the cover and once she sent me the image she wanted, I began making changes. The original photo was taken place during the day, so I changed the lighting to that of a sunset and

The Lost by Holly Barbo

The Lost (Sage Seed Chronicles #5) by Holly Barbo

Sheenah covers, fiction

The fifth cover in the Sage Seed Chronicles. Because the book touched upon points from all the previous books and because I wanted to give the last book a look that reflected one of the earlier books, I ended up stealing the sky from the second book (Divergent Paths) and recreating a snowy scene that was depicted in the book

The Reweaving by Holly Barbo

The Reweaving (Sage Seed Chronicles #4) by Holly Barbo

Sheenah covers, fiction

This was actually one of the original concepts to Divergent Paths by Holly Barbo. After much discussion, we both thought that this was better suited for this particular novel. So I went through and made some modifications to it. Everything here is photomanipulated with the use of some Photoshop brushes and minor digital painting to get the desired effects on